Archive for the 'neighborhood' Category

Spring is here….

Spring started off with a lovely party with friends, food and drinks. We could have not asked for a better start. Right now it’s about 30 degrees here and well I think spring is on hold for another week.

A little catching up – the house – not touched – nope – not one thing. I am struggling to find a reason why we should do anything more here. Our neighborhood looks for the most part like shit, a ghetto.

The neighbors next door think that our drive-way apron has an “enter” sign on it as they are driving up and across to their part of the side yard. I guess side yards and driveways are one in the same because it is trashed with tire tracks now. Lucky for us we have very big rocks that will be placed as landscaping material – cough, cough – to stop them from driving on our part of the side yard and trashing it. The neighbors across the street – silent! However, I have learned that when one neighbor starts to behave and get a clue – that someone else in the neighborhood must – there has be a “Ghetto Code of Ethics” somewhere written – pick up the slack. The award for ghetto-ness now goes to the next door neighbors.

I walked the dogs for the first time in a very long time around the neighborhood Monday night and imagine every part of your being just shaking because you are being stalked by 2 hoods and one dog. Not because I’m scared, no, because I am pissed off. Minutes prior to the run in with these two there was a group of 3 males and a dog on the opposite side my street that we passed. This was not a leisurely stroll with Fido, Fido didn’t even know how to walk on a lead. Most people do not walk their dogs here and for the few who do, you can painfully tell that they are not looking for (fill in the blank).

Back to the the disrespectful youths, they are now walking in the middle of the street, the one youth is telling his dog “get it” (meaning us) over and over which is causing the dog to get really amp-ed up. They were gaining on us and Lena is feeling the need to protect due to the out-of-control dog and Stella wants to run like hell and then thinks well I need to protect my human. Rage does not even begin to describe how I felt. I don’t think that there is a word for it. All I did was shake and try like hell not to pull on the leads. I have no tolerance for this. I have no tolerance for a couple wannabe hoods with a dog playing a game of intimidation. I have no tolerance for people who dishonor a certain type of dog breed and were doing it at that moment to me. I don’t think so little man-child!

I had to get control of this situation. I stopped and turned around, faced them, and confronted them. I stood my ground and waited for them to make a move. I know I was glaring at them because I don’t hide how I feel very well. I probably looked like a crazy lady to them, I’m okay with looking like a nut job when I need to. I was firm with my words and loud. I was hoping that some neighbors were watching. They made a wise decision and walked away. Yes, I always carry a cell phone with me for those who are wondering. I know I put myself and my dogs at risk. I realize that this could have gone a very different way. I will be damned if some disrespectful man-child thinks that intimidating people with a dog is a good idea and that this is a tool that they can use. I’m not easily intimated and I have zero tolerance these days. I continued our walk making sure I wasn’t being followed and headed for the main road. I’m not really sure if I did the right thing and yet I’m really not sure if there was anything else that could have been done. Socialization class is on Saturday, we will see if any damage has been done by this incident.

There is stuff going on in our neighborhood – again, what would appear to be normal to some is very much the opposite for us. I don’t like the vibe here, I don’t like it at all.

We will always out-last them I keep telling myself, we will always out-last them.

Absenteeism, Dog Rehab and Small Projects

I should apologize for my absenteeism but I haven’t been in a real good place and as I would try to write – my words were so negative. So, I have kept silent and just been a voyeur at other blogs where life is happier. I guess I needed some time to sort some stuff out. Not that all is so depressing because a couple of things have been done at the house and well, Stella has been in rehab and by proxy – so have I.

Here is a catch up of what has gone on in the rust belt.

Life is energy….this is our philosophy about life. This works on many different levels from where we live, all the way to a dog named Stella and everything in between.

Stella as a baby….damn cute and was Satan’s spawn.

I made the decision to take Stella to the next step in her rehab, when you’re stuck you’re stuck (I was so stuck) and she was showing interest in some dogs (calm ones only) anxiety with others, and she still wasn’t digging men however. I felt it was finally time and made the call. Scott doesn’t know that when I left our first meeting I cried – I do not recommend when driving. I finally found what I have been looking for, I have hope, I have relief that this dog would finally just be “a dog” over time.

The last 5 weeks have been a journey, for her and for us. For this dog to meet her first dog and to have a positive experience is like watching a child take its first steps. My heart could of burst, but the fact that there were used condoms on our sidewalk rained on our moment. Thank You ghetto people for showing us you know how to use birth control – now how about a trash can?

Stella has been to a pet store which is something we could have never done in the past with her. She was in a room with 8 other dogs off leash and not freaking out. We learned to how to manage her fearful behavior, how to set limits and boundaries with her, claim our home, how to catch her at the start of fixating on men, new commands and was on a treadmill. There is one thing that for the husband and I that stood out the most was participating in a pack walk after only 2 weeks. This is the most spiritual thing I have ever done. There is nothing like 13 dogs and 10 owners hiking and not one single peep out of the dogs – it was heaven!

Stella will continue with socialization with Versatile K9 once a month and we will continue to do the pack walks with them. I would love to get some folks together to do pack walks in our neck of the woods on the offset weeks. Our goal with her is to walk downtown of our city with many people and for her not to have anxiety about it. I should also note that yes you can teach an 11 year old dog new things. Lena has gone along for the ride and has learned a new command or two along the way. We had suspect that she might even be a part of some of the issues that Stella was showing. Needless to say our home is much calmer as a whole. A friend remarked last night that you can really tell that the dogs are being worked with because Stella has so much more confidence. If you are looking for a dog trainer/behaviorist Scott and Kaethe from Versatile K9 I highly recommend.

About the house and small improvements.

We had this old non-closet (the kind where a coat hanger doesn’t fit correctly) in need of some love. After I took out a stud or two and well all the framing stuff we did some drywall and just left it.

We always had other plans for the space but just never got around to it. Rain gardens to build, cold frames to build, fence staining the endless list of stuff. It is only part done for we need to go and do a fabric run but it’s much better than it was. A place for coats, the dogs stuff, hats, shoes and boots.

The other small project we did was to utilize a 50 plus year old shipping crate that is just too cool it sit in the basement. We have no storage in our bathroom. No closet. No place to put a closet. Taking out walls to utilize the room between the studs…not even going to go there.

The closet cost like $40.00 in materials and the bathroom cost pennies for the screws. Not bad!

The holiday's have come and gone and well…. I am glad it is over. The neighborhood sounded like a war zone on New Years and I find it quite an accomplishment when one can tell the difference between fireworks and gunshots. In this hood it was more gunshots accompanied by a couple very nice, colorful firework displays.

The neighborhood is semi silent this week. We had huge hopes of the neighbors across the street had moved but as I have said once before when the bills come in people stay with friends and family and return when they have money. I wonder if Mr. Landlord is still collecting his section 8 monies?

The reality is that our neighborhood is going down the drain faster than you can say home for sale. There are more rentals than owner occupied and due to the city's lack of everything it is a matter of time before it looks like the other really bad sections of the city. You see this is part of my funk, my frustration. I have to be honest I am so close to outing where I live I can almost taste it. When you read in a city official report that no matter how much money you throw at the people problem it will never be solved until you solve the economic problem it begs to wonder why?

So you see where we live is sucking the energy right out of us. I would say more me than the husband. I live, I work within a 1 mile radius. The husband and I will go to different parts of the city and walk the dogs looking for something good about where we live. Every single time we see some major screw up of where bad planning has graced us once again. A nice neighborhood, a developer who ran out of cash and not so nice housing is what is left because it becomes rentals and not the good rentals but the ones with the sheets as curtains. The best sign I read on a persons home was "Smile you’re on camera".

We need rain….

It’s HOT, HUMID, and Oppressive up here. One of the joys living so close to the lake. It’s like living in Florida. So a fast recap since last I posted.

A little trip out of the city to another Greek Festival. The food was amazing and the company even better.

Fathers Day…was just very special this year. There is something about a toddler making a young 70-something smile when the word “Train Obsession” is mentioned. I don’t put photo’s of Littleman on the blog because I don’t think his dad would approve….and that’s okay.

More weeding with the privet hedges getting a buzz cut. We took no photo’s of the 13 foot high hedges getting buzzed because trimming hedges is just that trimming hedges.

The husband and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary, how cool is that. What was so special was that the stone from our property was finished the same day. This stone had been set aside back a couple years go just for this purpose. To have our address engraved and to become a part of our landscaping – a perfect day.

This last photo is just worth it’s weight in gold….who would of thought that one of our neighbors, from this neighborhood, would be so bold to put this on his front porch. The man who lives in this house – the husband and I call him “Jesus Blogger” – because every week he has some saying that refers to the bible. This saying just blew us away. I asked him if I could take a photo of it which started a conversation. I had never spoke to this man before – interesting. I did tell the man that he has officially got himself “Black Listed” – he just laughed and said, “I know”. It’s amazing what will get people talking to one another.

So, for those bold enough to leave a comment what do “you” think of this message?

So today we are off to a graduation and one fundraiser……so if any blogger’s out there have some extra rain they don’t need…please, please send it our way.

Thank You…..Mr. Landlord(s)

Besides a whole lot of weeding and planting there have been some other things that have going on in the hood. People have been moving into this old neighborhood courtesy of the many “For Rent” signs and “word of mouth networking” that goes around here. Word of mouth networking is how you keep your money on the “down low”.

The section of the street where the husband and I live, OWN – not STAY, has become infested with trash. Non respecting, ghetto-trash. It was one thing when there was one family – I think they are a family – not so sure who really lives there still to this date. Hey, at least these folks I can work with.

Now there are more homes rented out and they bring others with them. I have no tolerance left in me for ignorant people. The whole vibe of our street has changed within a week. I think an exorcism is in order, along with a Rabbi, Voodoo Priestess, Minster, Bishop, Reverend and whomever I missed. Cleanse the bad mojo that has been bestowed upon us quickly I say.
Continue reading ‘Thank You…..Mr. Landlord(s)’

Rain, Weeds, & Maple Seeds

There has been days of this:

Due to much of this:

You have to admit it’s pretty darn awesome.

Gardens to plant:

Many pots and baskets to fill with flowers:

Major yard clean up of weeds, weeds and more weeds. Even more clean up of the seed dropping from the Maple Trees. This would be the neighbors Maple Trees that surround us and also the weeds because the rental next door just cut the lawn – for the first time this year in late May 2010 – this would be the back yard.

Now look how pretty it is. I know it still wasn’t done when I took this photo – As of yesterday the whole entire back 40 is weed free.

Which is why we went through 5 yards of black goodness – that would be pure compost.

Oh and how can I forget the Greek Spring Festival, which was the first festival of the year. I wish I had some of those honey buns now.

There have been many conversations from Ghetto said neighbors, which include endless hours of the following Ghetto-Speak.
“F*#k” – insert whatever comes to mind that makes no damn sense.
“She’s a Bitch” – use best ghetto slang you can muster up.
“She’s a Skank” – is that even a real word?

Now repeat for the next 7 hours.

That leads to the husband and myself beating a path to the nearest, quietest, restaurant and enjoying these.

I guess it would be fair to say that the husband and I have been a bit outdoorsy of late. We have literally been covered in some sort of dirt, mud, compost for the last 2 months when mother nature found it fitting. I need to have a talk with mother nature about 86 degree days and high, nasty humidity. Working in the back 40 feels like the damn Amazon Jungle complete with bugs. Ewww.

There are more photo’s here, and more to come.

The husband: I want to order 4 more yards of compost in.
Me: Okay, what are we going to do with the rest of it?
The husband: I want to re-seed the back 40 area, after I cook and kill the weeds that have taken over the grass.
Me: What about, cook it, kill it, no grass and we just landscape it? Bring in a River Birch and a couple White Pines, thin the triangles out and finally just redo it.
The husband: I like that Idea, I like that Idea a lot. Think about how we tie it all together.
Me: Okay.

What the hell was I thinking – OY! Yes, a new project for fall.

Day Five

Let me first start by saying to all who are checking in thank you, it means the world to us. For a very long time the husband and I have always felt alone in what we do. Meaning the kitty stuff. Here, where we live, the feral kitty problem is something that is just not talked about and when it is talked about, you wont hear about it for at least another 9 years or so. I am hoping to help change this.

The Stats for Today’s missing are ZERO. For whatever reason the sicko _____ did not put a trap out last night. Interesting! Don’t get too happy I’m sure there are reasons and he will be back at it probably by day break. Sicko ____ is now going to have to make up for lost time.

During all of this crap, because that is exactly what it is, as you know we are officially on vacation. I need to embrace this and have some damn fun and get the hell away from this damn house and city as often we can.

You have probably also noticed that we are in the middle of landscaping project that we haven’t touched in a week. Well here’s the deal, we will be shopping for stone pathway either Monday or Tuesday. The stone we wanted, we cannot get here in our region, imagine that. I really wanted Mexican Blue beach pebbles, not happening! Time to go shopping for another color. Damn it. Two more yards of Sweet Peat just arrived on Friday morning that needs to be moved and spread. You know what we will be doing early tomorrow morning – spreading sweet peat.

Tonight we went to and saw a show. A Friend of ours gave us tickets, thank you T is was a great show and a nice break. We also screwed up the dates to the outing we were suppose to go to this afternoon. I can’t imagine what we would be so preoccupied with that we can’t keep our dates straight.

So on the 1st full day of vacation I started with my traditional local Farmers Market run for a poppy seed roll. It seems that since we got the farmers market this has become a tradition. They didn’t have any – booooo – but I did bring home this cute little cantaloupe from T’s booth. Thank you, I know it will be yummy. I still may however draw a picture on it because it is really that damn cute. When one is looking for poppy seed roll one should have a backup plan. Local bakery.

Today felt like the 1st day of a vacation. Traditions were met and a fun evening came to be in spite of a shitty week.

Oh yes and our camera finally bit it. We have one of loan, thank you S until we go shopping for a new one.

Day Four – The Count

I start vacation today! Big Freaking Deal! The husband and I had so been looking forward to this time away from jobs and work. It just doesn’t seem so important anymore. We have a friend coming in tonight which we will be participating in a snacking of some Greek Food.

I’m back, the food was great, the company superb and I didn’t take any Valerian Root so I could actually have a drink or two and not want to crawl into bed.

Prior to our outing our phone rang and I grabbed it. Mind you I have been reading laws and visiting people who are knowledgeable in these matters and yes we are desperate. We caught our friend up with what was going on out here because of my dropping the f-bomb many times one the phone.

For the life of me I cannot understand Ohio codes/laws. They cannot be to protect animals, there is no way possible. Tonight I still cannot wrap my head around all of this because there is no logic to it except when you ask yourself who is this law written for. If what was told to me is correct then they are in no why shape of form written for the animal world but for man’s world and man’s conveniences. The human world has is a self-centered, selfish place to live. You are damn straight if I am being harsh because I don’t understand how any of this can be helpful. It is okay to kill an animal, it is okay to take an animal and dump it on someone else, somewhere else because we don’t want to do what is right. Well fuck that, we are their keepers, we are their advocates . I didn’t sign up for this fight, I was a dog person, but when they look you at you with their little eyes how can a person’s heart not melt. How can a human not want to do what is right and moral?

It’s a crock of shit! All of this is a crock of shit.

So here is the count for the day: 5

Tango – gone
Rusty – gone
Booboo – gone
Ringo – gone
Gi Gi – gone

These animals that we have spent every day for the last several years with – gone.

At this rate we will be out of cats by next weekend. We should have taken the thousands of dollars we spent and threw it in the Coleman Outdoor Fire Place.

Happy vacation to us, big fucking deal.

Day Two – All accounted for – We Think

Those who have sent the animal spirits to watch over the remaining feral cats, we made it through the night. We think all are accounted for – except the neighbors other male cat. I will have to keep an eye out for him.

We definitely know that this little guy has been his victim

and this little girl.

The sick ____ still has the trap out, I am secretly hopping that a skunk gets trapped. Then what will the ass do?

What I find sad is that his kid is seeing him behave this way and probably thinks that is normal.

I am still taking Valerian root because I need to stay calm, and when it wears off I feel the anxiety creeping back in.

I think what I have found so frustrating is that I’m am so tired of trying to do the right thing, and there is some sort of mountain that is in the way. I am so tired of ignorant people. I am questioning myself over and over why even bother with anything. Then I’m quickly reminded that at least where the four legged creatures come in to play who will give a shit, who will be their voice. Like I said humans are the ones who caused this and they pay the price.

I don’t know when this is going to end but I hope very soon, I am so mentally exhausted.

Give me Color, Texture, and Tickle my Olfactory’s

We have been plant shopping. We have been bush shopping. I hate shopping except for when it comes to plants, tools, house stuff and of course shopping for other people. When we purchased the chipper/shredder I could have wet my self. Big, red, loud and it was an excellent investment when you have two large maple trees and all your neighbors have trees. Sorry, I was reliving that euphoric feeling, back to the plants.

I started to write this last night when a visitor of the 4 legged kind ended up tangling with the neighbors 10 lb Yorkie mix.

There was this very beautiful male pit taking himself for a walk, as I found out. That’s right, someone busted loose and decided a late stroll was in order except his owner wasn’t included. Now the 10 lb munchkin was doing one of two things either protecting his territory, his people or both – I really want to believe this. Little Man was not on lead or chained up, he was actually in my yard and I had just taken him back to his property just minutes before. I actually thought the pit belonged to one of the people who was visiting, as I learned very quickly that wasn’t the case.

Little Man thought it would be a real cool idea to mount, that is display dominance over the 60 plus lb pit. Now, I have to admit that the pit, we’ll call him Big Boy, was a very tolerant boy. Little man did the dominance thing at least 5-6 times, all the while growling and displaying aggression. Little Man was showing no love for Big Boy. Little Man was also not coming when called/screamed at by his owners.

I put a call into our local police department explaining that we had a pit loose, that he was tangling with the small dog next door and that this was going to get ugly. To which dispatch tells me that the dog warden would be back in the morning. WTF?…are you kidding me?…no shit, I already knew that. I also know that our police will do what ever is necessary to get the dog where it needs to be, which is not running loose in neighborhoods.

Within 5 minutes I was calling back. Big Boy had enough of Little Man’s crap and it became ugly fast. Another call to the police department dispatch, I wonder if she could hear the dogs fighting in the background? Now a car is getting sent.

While I’m on the phone I see the owner of Little Man hitting Big Boy with a broom trying to break up the fight. I’m thinking – if this dog is “lit up” as they say, she is going to be next. The owner was able to break it up, her kids grab Little Man and make a run for the house, Big Boy was following. I hung up with dispatch and called Big Boy from my front porch so everyone could get in safe, including me. Big Boy decided to continue his walk and was off running between the houses and I made a break for Little Man’s house with rags and peroxide in hand.

I have to be totally honest – I expected the worst. I expected deep puncture wounds, torn flesh, ripped throat etc. To my surprise and lucky for Little Man, he had teeth mark abrasions, a nasty tear under his arm which was bleeding like no tomorrow, a cut by his eye, but all in all – he was in good shape. I believe that Big Boy was putting Little Man in his place and not trying to hurt him. If this dog was a fighter he would have ripped him to shreds. This tiff was over dominance aka pecking order and nothing more.

Police show up, I go to meet them since I’m the one who called. As I’m talking to the officer, which I must apologize for interrupting his dinner – no I really feel bad about that – but who comes walking up? – Big Boy. Big Boy is sizing me up, and believe me, I’m thinking “are you friendly pit or mean pit?” I have not been that nervous around a dog in a very long time – I was scared.

Officer: Where is the dog?
Me: Standing next to me.
Officer: What is he doing?
Me: Smelling my boots.
Officer: I want you to walk very slowly to your porch.

I trust my officers, I knew that he would do what ever was necessary and that included shooting this dog if he made a move on me. I knew this, I accepted this though I never want to witness it or be a part of it. So I walked and Big Boy is following me, not chasing just walking with me. The officer shouted “Hey Dog” to get his attention which helped me make it inside my house. Within 5 minutes this officer had this dog in the back seat of his cruiser. Awesome in my book – Just awesome.

Big Boy appeared happy to be going for a car ride – no joke.

I don’t think that this is a bad dog. He put up with some major crap from Little Man and had enough. I feel awful knowing that this dog was probably put down today because of his irresponsible owner. I was surprised that the dog had tags on, not a common sight where I live. Had I trusted this animal I would have simply called the owner to come and get his/her dog and none of this would have happened. Like I said when it comes to certain breeds here you have a 50/50 chance of getting bit. Little Man being the little man that he is, took an already bad situation and made it worse.

I have a difficult time understanding owners who know that their dogs have issues with other dogs/people. Would allow them to have full run of their yard with no fence to keep them in and others out. I know my one dog has issues because she herself was attacked as a young pup and we make sure that on her property we don’t allow strange dogs within the fenced in area. Little Man almost tangled with her once before because he got into our yard without me knowing and I had just let the dogs out. I had to grab Stella and get her in before she got to him. Understand Stella has never bit anyone or any dog it is that we don’t trust her when it comes to her yard because of certain behaviors she displays. This is a precautionary measure only. If I know this about my own dog why is it so hard for others to understand their own dog. I don’t understand it. I don’t think that I will ever understand it.

Bring on the Wet Stuff – Rain that is!

It’s 6:00 a.m. and I hear the sound of water overflowing a gutter.

The husband is up, dressed and down stairs. I hear the front door open then I drift off back to dream land. Well, that lasted a whole 20 minutes when I hear it pouring down rain and the overflowing gutter – this would be the neighbors gutter not ours – I figure I better get up and go check things out.

There shall be nothing more beautiful than the reflection of water in a rain garden. Yes, even in the dark.

There is nothing more pleasing that a swale that runs and removes unwanted water so it may not end up in your drain tiles in which your sump has to work extra hard to pump it out. This my friends is how my morning started and indeed to was going to be a beautiful day – Mother Nature you can bring it on – rain that is.

Mother Nature did bring it on and the husband shot these of the swale this morning while I was at work. Yes, in the rain which is why there are no photos of the rain garden. Water and a camera not made for such wet outings don’t mix well. The camera is working – kinda – at the moment since it had enough time to dry out – sort of. For your pleasure as well as mine, and a huge thank you to “B”, one working swale.

As I write this my ghetto neighbors are having a ghetto moment. I will not repeat what is being shouted, from across the street, for your ears may burn and fall off.

May 2024

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