Archive for June, 2010

We need rain….

It’s HOT, HUMID, and Oppressive up here. One of the joys living so close to the lake. It’s like living in Florida. So a fast recap since last I posted.

A little trip out of the city to another Greek Festival. The food was amazing and the company even better.

Fathers Day…was just very special this year. There is something about a toddler making a young 70-something smile when the word “Train Obsession” is mentioned. I don’t put photo’s of Littleman on the blog because I don’t think his dad would approve….and that’s okay.

More weeding with the privet hedges getting a buzz cut. We took no photo’s of the 13 foot high hedges getting buzzed because trimming hedges is just that trimming hedges.

The husband and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary, how cool is that. What was so special was that the stone from our property was finished the same day. This stone had been set aside back a couple years go just for this purpose. To have our address engraved and to become a part of our landscaping – a perfect day.

This last photo is just worth it’s weight in gold….who would of thought that one of our neighbors, from this neighborhood, would be so bold to put this on his front porch. The man who lives in this house – the husband and I call him “Jesus Blogger” – because every week he has some saying that refers to the bible. This saying just blew us away. I asked him if I could take a photo of it which started a conversation. I had never spoke to this man before – interesting. I did tell the man that he has officially got himself “Black Listed” – he just laughed and said, “I know”. It’s amazing what will get people talking to one another.

So, for those bold enough to leave a comment what do “you” think of this message?

So today we are off to a graduation and one fundraiser……so if any blogger’s out there have some extra rain they don’t need…please, please send it our way.

Thank You…..Mr. Landlord(s)

Besides a whole lot of weeding and planting there have been some other things that have going on in the hood. People have been moving into this old neighborhood courtesy of the many “For Rent” signs and “word of mouth networking” that goes around here. Word of mouth networking is how you keep your money on the “down low”.

The section of the street where the husband and I live, OWN – not STAY, has become infested with trash. Non respecting, ghetto-trash. It was one thing when there was one family – I think they are a family – not so sure who really lives there still to this date. Hey, at least these folks I can work with.

Now there are more homes rented out and they bring others with them. I have no tolerance left in me for ignorant people. The whole vibe of our street has changed within a week. I think an exorcism is in order, along with a Rabbi, Voodoo Priestess, Minster, Bishop, Reverend and whomever I missed. Cleanse the bad mojo that has been bestowed upon us quickly I say.
Continue reading ‘Thank You…..Mr. Landlord(s)’

Rain, Weeds, & Maple Seeds

There has been days of this:

Due to much of this:

You have to admit it’s pretty darn awesome.

Gardens to plant:

Many pots and baskets to fill with flowers:

Major yard clean up of weeds, weeds and more weeds. Even more clean up of the seed dropping from the Maple Trees. This would be the neighbors Maple Trees that surround us and also the weeds because the rental next door just cut the lawn – for the first time this year in late May 2010 – this would be the back yard.

Now look how pretty it is. I know it still wasn’t done when I took this photo – As of yesterday the whole entire back 40 is weed free.

Which is why we went through 5 yards of black goodness – that would be pure compost.

Oh and how can I forget the Greek Spring Festival, which was the first festival of the year. I wish I had some of those honey buns now.

There have been many conversations from Ghetto said neighbors, which include endless hours of the following Ghetto-Speak.
“F*#k” – insert whatever comes to mind that makes no damn sense.
“She’s a Bitch” – use best ghetto slang you can muster up.
“She’s a Skank” – is that even a real word?

Now repeat for the next 7 hours.

That leads to the husband and myself beating a path to the nearest, quietest, restaurant and enjoying these.

I guess it would be fair to say that the husband and I have been a bit outdoorsy of late. We have literally been covered in some sort of dirt, mud, compost for the last 2 months when mother nature found it fitting. I need to have a talk with mother nature about 86 degree days and high, nasty humidity. Working in the back 40 feels like the damn Amazon Jungle complete with bugs. Ewww.

There are more photo’s here, and more to come.

The husband: I want to order 4 more yards of compost in.
Me: Okay, what are we going to do with the rest of it?
The husband: I want to re-seed the back 40 area, after I cook and kill the weeds that have taken over the grass.
Me: What about, cook it, kill it, no grass and we just landscape it? Bring in a River Birch and a couple White Pines, thin the triangles out and finally just redo it.
The husband: I like that Idea, I like that Idea a lot. Think about how we tie it all together.
Me: Okay.

What the hell was I thinking – OY! Yes, a new project for fall.

June 2010

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