Archive for November, 2010

Time Off….WOOT!!!!!!!!!

I am doing the the happy dance. I am on vacation, that’s right V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!!!!!!!

I was asked if I would like to come in on Thursday for some training thing…..


NO! I am NOT coming in…..!

I have moved my vacation time twice already, I’m so done with the public, computer software issues, training, all of it. Homicidal thoughts have been crossing my mind way too often. Really, I need a break.

Back to the happy dance. It has been an interesting start we saved one pit bull from getting hit by a car on Sunday on our way to the store. I have never met such a dominate, ill mannered, no training, feet fixation, mouthing, growing, little girl(40 lbs) like this one. She is not what most responsible owners of this breed or any breed, would call a “good example.” Her owner, lets just say I had some very bad vibes about the whole deal, should not be allowed to own a dog.

This is the second time now that I have had regrets returning a dog to its owner. My gut tells me by her behavior and other observations that there is bad stuff going on. This was the 1st time that the husband has ever been concerned about the behavior of a dog that he has interacted with. In all honesty I kinda think she may have gotten mad because we were taking her back. Nope….she was pissed because she couldn’t mouth at his feet and had a temper tantrum like a child. For some strange reason I didn’t get nervous by her tantrum. I saw it as a type of acting out so to speak of and took the lead from the husband as he requested. I found the whole thing very strange and yet I understood this dog and her ill mannered ways. Btw, she got in our car, jumped in the front seat, in my lap and gave me sloppy bully kisses when we first picked her up. I believe due to her being in “her” environment, street, home set off the behavior. Interesting, I find all of it interesting.

“Can I rake your leaves and have them?” I really asked my neighbor this yesterday because when I see leaves I see compost. I know it’s a strange way of thinking but I can’t help it. All leaves to me, besides smelling good and crunching under your feet make me think of compost. This is a key element to a great garden. Since we have embraced this urban farming thang, I need leaves because I really hate paying for compost. I keep telling my one landscaper friend to dump all his leaves in my drive because I really need them. Really, 8 – 50 gallon garbage cans packed full of leaves is nothing which is what we raked yesterday. I need a huge truck load. I am coveting my other neighbor whose yard may yield about 15 garbage cans full.

So why are we so focused on leaves….well the husband and I have only been cleaning out the back 40 when time has allowed and getting it ready for spring. Let me put it this way, we are cleaning and looking at possible designs. Since we are moving away from a yard that “looks pretty” to a yard that is “pretty” and has purpose “food” the clean slate issue keeps coming up. We have decided that 80% of our landscaping will be finding a new home. We figure that we need about 10 yards of compost to amend the soil of the two zones that will be created next year. There will be a total of 4 zones when all is said and done. I still have much research to do because permaculture is somewhat different than having regular gardens and I’m okay with that.

Projects to finish while on vacation is the office old closet area and re-purpose a 50+ year old shipping crate for the bathroom. Small projects, low cost and large impact.


Well….it’s November folks and tomorrow is a big day – Election Day! What’s on the meal ticket? They want more money! Everyone wants money!

My city, as it was quoted in the paper (cough, cough) has an 85% poverty rate. WOW! are you freaking kidding me! I guess the rest of the 15% are suppose to foot the bill. I don’t think so!

The political manipulation on all fronts, schools included, are down right disgusting. Folks – all the adds, letters to the editors etc is all manipulation directed at you. The playing one side against the other side is all nothing more than manipulation. The whole party line crap is just that – crap! They love to get folks going and keep people divided because if we all ever sat at the table together and put our heads together, we would figure out that these people have been playing us for a very long time.

Most politicians are full of themselves. Most will tell you anything to get the vote. These folks are not working for us in any way shape or form it just appears to look that way until you really start thinking – so what has really gone on in the last x amount of years? These people bank on the fact that Americans have a very short memory and that people are very distracted with life/TV these days. Because my friends they really don’t want us thinking too hard about anything, it would not be in their best interest if we did.

My city will never be what it once was, not 10 years from now, not 20 years from now or 50 years from now. It’s over, so can people please get with the program already. Telling us that you need more money is not getting with the program, it’s beating a dead horse.

November 2010

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