Archive for the 'Father's day' Category

We need rain….

It’s HOT, HUMID, and Oppressive up here. One of the joys living so close to the lake. It’s like living in Florida. So a fast recap since last I posted.

A little trip out of the city to another Greek Festival. The food was amazing and the company even better.

Fathers Day…was just very special this year. There is something about a toddler making a young 70-something smile when the word “Train Obsession” is mentioned. I don’t put photo’s of Littleman on the blog because I don’t think his dad would approve….and that’s okay.

More weeding with the privet hedges getting a buzz cut. We took no photo’s of the 13 foot high hedges getting buzzed because trimming hedges is just that trimming hedges.

The husband and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary, how cool is that. What was so special was that the stone from our property was finished the same day. This stone had been set aside back a couple years go just for this purpose. To have our address engraved and to become a part of our landscaping – a perfect day.

This last photo is just worth it’s weight in gold….who would of thought that one of our neighbors, from this neighborhood, would be so bold to put this on his front porch. The man who lives in this house – the husband and I call him “Jesus Blogger” – because every week he has some saying that refers to the bible. This saying just blew us away. I asked him if I could take a photo of it which started a conversation. I had never spoke to this man before – interesting. I did tell the man that he has officially got himself “Black Listed” – he just laughed and said, “I know”. It’s amazing what will get people talking to one another.

So, for those bold enough to leave a comment what do “you” think of this message?

So today we are off to a graduation and one fundraiser……so if any blogger’s out there have some extra rain they don’t need…please, please send it our way.

Father’s Day

Father’s Day is just a strange day for me. I have no Father’s Day to really celebrate since I haven’t seen my biological father in over 15 years and my step-dad passed away some time ago.

In any event I am cutting up veggies for salad, making cheese cake to take over to my father-in-law’s for the annual Father’s Day Cook out.

The husband grills the steaks, his sister brings the sides, I make the salad and goodies. This is how I spend my Father’s Day.

Sometimes in life, events happens and the only way to resolve issues is with distance. I, to this day love my dad. I love when my father and I would watch “B” rated horror flicks, eat bad food and stay up till the wee early hours of the mornings on the weekends. This is when things were very good between us. These are the memories I hold on to while pushing the memories of drinking and betrayal to the farthest corners of my mind.

Dad’s where ever you may be “Happy Father’s Day”.

May 2024

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